Friday 1 March 2013

How do you build a broad chest and wide shoulders?

When you look at the most famous bodybuilders to ever live, even when they have suits on, it's impressive to see how wide their chest and shoulders that can barely fit through a door are. What guy doesn't want to have a broad chest and shoulders?
No guy out there wants to have his waist larger than what his shoulders are, this my friends, is a true warning sign that you gotta get to the gym ASAP.

Having that wide upper body appearance is a combination of a few things. First of all you need to have broad shoulders and some muscle on your chest, and second of all you need to reduce the size of your waist.  Now, many of us might not have the genetics that Arnold had, and might have a narrow bone structure, but this SHOULD NOT stop you from adding muscle to your torso and having a wider appearance, Bodybuilding is as much a sport of optical illusion as it is a physical sport.

In order to build thick slabs of muscles on your shoulders you have to do heavy presses. I personally recommend behind the neck barbell presses if you do not suffer rotator cuff problems, be careful if you feel any discomfort, as some people may find a different variation is a better option for them. The deltoid, or shoulder muscle, is actually made up of 3 muscles, the medial delt, the front delt and the rear delt. When doing behind the neck presses the medial delt is recruited to a greater degree than the front press version will give you, the medial delt is the head that is responsible for giving you that broad appearance. After doing these I also recommend doing a few sets of upright rows and lateral raises to compliment and fully exhaust the deltoids.

As for chest, the best exercise for mass is the bench press. There are many different variations of this and you should play around with all of them for complete muscle development. You should vary week to week bench angles, dumbells, barbells, machines, grips etc. You should finish exhausting your chest with dips and chest flyes in order to achieve a great pump and stimulate growth in those fibres.

As for having a small waist in order to make the illusion that your shoulders are broader, it's just a matter of diet (a whole different topic for a different day)

This is a great example of a chest and shoulder workout you can do that is guaranteed to make you have that great broad appearance as long as your nutrition and rest are in order:

Barbell bench press 3x6-8
Dumbell Bench press 2-3x8-12
Chest dips 2x10-20
Decline bench flyes 2x10-20

Behind the neck barbell press 3x6-10
Upright Rows 2x10-15
Cable lateral raises 2x12-20
rear delt flyes 2x12-20

If you guys want me to write about a specific topic, experience or a specific supplement on this blog please let me know, your input and feedback is appreciated, comments can be made anonymous!

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